Thursday, March 31, 2011

Swami Vivekananda Study Circle conducted One day Work Shop for Engineering Colleger Students at Ordnance Factory Estate, Yeddumailaram,Medak District On Eco Friendly Technology on 31-3-2011sponsored by APPCB.
Sri.VK Panda,General Manager of OFPMInagurated the Workshop and explained the details of the eco friendly technology.Professsor.UB Desai,Director,IIT Hyderabad, explained the need of the technology. Dr.Kishan Rao, Environmentalist, explained the effects of Industrial Pollution at Patancheru area and advised to the students to study the existing conditions and suggest the remedial actions.Sri.Ramireddy of AP-Jenco explained Genco projects and the usage of latest techlogy to minimise the pollution from their projects. Dr.Jayakumar, Asst Professor, Gitam University explained various types of technologies and explained the solid waste management for maintaining the less pollution. Sri BV Ramanamurthy,MD,Enviro.Tech, explained the effulant plant and asked the students to visit their plant and see how they are trying to minimise the pollution.Sri.Veeranna, Scientific Officer of APPCB explained the existing pollution control laws and its implementation by then before and after sanctioning the permission to the industries.
There are nearly 250 students and 50 of factorty employees and the local school headmasters.
Sri.A.Subramanyam,ex-GM of OCFA ,Sri.Krishana murthy of AP Genco and other participated.The Work is conducted by Sri.M.S.Hari and N.Ramakrishana of SVSC.

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