Thursday, August 11, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

PDC class for BPMS branch few selected persons

Sri.P.Srinivas, given a leacture on Leadership Qualities, based on the Vishunu Shaharshanamas, to th selected BPMS and NDNSA persons on 4-8-2011 evening.The Leader should be a person,

1. one who leads from the front,guide up to the end

2.One who controls.

3.He should have values and virtues.

4.What eer he practies/does, should be able to give proper reason and logic.

5.Protects,Nurtures,Nourishes and guides.

6.He should have a dyanamic personality,should be in a position to change the atmosphere.

7.He should know the mind of all the people.

8.He should be able to identify with every one and as well as with whole group to take any decision.

9.His eyes should be on eveery where and on every one.

10.He should be ready/able to reach every where, any time.

Visit to Goshala at Nandigama Village

Sri.P.Srinivas, Sri.MS Hari, Sri.Ramakrishana, Sri.Shantamurthy and Sri.GopiKrishana visited the goshasala on 4-8-2011 at Nandigama Village.

PDC Programme is at OFD ZPHS on 5-8-2011

Concluding session -

The PDC Programme is conducted by Sri.P.Srinivas, and Sri.MS Hari and Sri.Ramakrishana and other were attended.Sri.Venkatesh,HM arranged the programme.The strength of 10th Class is 32 and last year pass percentage is 61.
In the evening the 5 days PDC programmes are concluded n and Sri.K.Satyanarayana,AddlGM,OFPM attended.Sri.MSHari,Sri.Ramakrishana,Sri.Ambadas,Sri.Jawahar Babu,Sri.Vajai,Sri.BR Nareshkumar and other OFPM person and the other other ZPHS,HMs and Teachers were paticipated.

PDC at Indrakaran Village on 4-8-2011

The strength of ZPHS,Indrakaran village is 41 and the last year 10th class percentage is 40. Sri.R.Khubya is its HM. Sri.MS Hari,Sri.Jawahar Babu,Sri.Shantamurthy of OFPM and Sri.Sridhar,local CRDES representative attended.HM organised the programme where Sri.P.Srinivas conducted the PDC Classed to the students.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

PDC programme at ZPHS Yeddumailam Village on 3-8-2011

The PDC programme is conducted by Sri.P.Srinivas and Sri.MS Hari and Sri.Ambadas and Sri.Vijay attended and Sri.Mohan Das, HM arranged the programme. The strength of 10th class is 49 and last year pass percentage is 58.

The PDC programme at Cheriyala ZPHS on 2-8-2011

CRDES conducted PDC programme at Cheriyala ZPHS on 2-8-2011.Sri.Srinival Pulluri conducted the programme and Sri.MS Hari, Sri.Jawahar Babu,JWM,OFPM attended the programme.The local CRDES rep.Sri Sridhar also attended.Sro.Sivaprasaad,ZPHS,HM arranged the programmee. The 10th class stength is 53 and the last year 10th class pass percentage is 66.

The PDC programme at ZPHS Gangaram on 1-8-2011

The ZPHS , Gangaram village, kondapur mandal,Medak dist.,AP.
Sri.Srinival Pulluri, conducted the programme and Sri.MS HARI, Sri.Shantamurthy,JWM Ord.Factory,Yedumilaram attended.Smt.Vasanta,HM of the school arranged the programme. The Gangaeam village branch CRDES President Sri.Chandfrasekhar and Secretary Sri.Anand were present. The present strength of 10th class is 42 and the schooll last year pass percentage is 100%. CRDES associating the school for the last 3 years.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

CRDES plans PDC classes

CRDES conducted ome day workshops for 10th Class students of Zilla Paroshat Schools of AP,Medak District at Gangaram Village of kondapur Mandal and Cheriyala Village,Yeddumilaram village,Indrakaram village and ODF school of Sangareddy Mandal on 1st August to 5th August 2011.Sri.Srinivas Pulluri,Student of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam of Swami Dayananda Saraswathi,Coinbattur(TN) and Director of Kaivalya Yoga Institutute ,Hyderabad. He worked as a Yoga Teacher and Activity Coordinator at Oakridge International School,Hyderabad. He had veery good experience in conducting one day workshops as well as residential PDC camps for students at various places.

The main Object of CRDES for conducting these one day PDC workshops for students of these 5 village ZPHSchools are to educate the important of education and the role of students at their villages. The ultimae aim is improve their Pass Percentage in their 10th Class Pass.

Keeping on this on our mind we contacted the ZPHS schools of Gangaram village,Indrakaran village,Cheriyal village,Yeddumilaram and ODF ZPHS HM's and they accepted our proposal and the programmes were startred from 1st Auguat to 5th August 2011. The photos can be seen on our block on the respective dates.